CMteksti tummanvihreä

CB851 ChangeMakers - Start-ups for sustainable environment created by youngsters

ChangeMakers was an Interreg Central Baltic funded project, where 250 students from Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia solved real-life problems given by companies. This ePlatform was used to teach entepreneurial skills, and now it's available to all free of charge!

"Definitions, videos, pictures, examples were included. Easy to understand. Clear, structured." -Teacher

"The platform is easy to use." -Student

"ePlatforms is easy to use and very helpful tool for both students and teachers." -Teacher

"Information is easy to find and that's the most important thing."  - Student

Study module

The image shows the topics and the suggested course of the ChangeMakers study module. Click the blinking icons for more information!

Materials and instructions

Find instructions, teacher's materials, presentations and additional materials under each topic


Examples and information on real-life environmental challenges for circular economy business ideas

Schedule template

Schedule template with suggested structure for lessons, events, student tasks and team meetings

cbchangemakers's profile picture
ChangeMakers - Start-ups for sustainable environment created by youngsters

Project results

ChangeMakers – Start-ups for sustainable environment created by youngsters 

Duration: 1.3.2020 – 30.11.2022 

The project designed and implemented a functional and hands-on study module for upper secondary school and vocational school. As part of the project, 253 students were divided into international teams and collaborated to establish 53 mini start-ups, each with a mission to address the environmental challenges presented by various businesses. These student-led start-ups featured a diverse range of innovative ideas, including tangible products, services, and digital solutions, all prioritizing the principles of circular economy and sustainability.  

The creation of these environmental challenges added significant cross-border value for each enterprise involved, with participating students gaining valuable multidimensional experience and enhancing their skills in cross-cultural communication and teamwork within an international setting. Through a range of activities that involved collaboration with 18 enterprises throughout the Central Baltic area, students were able to gain valuable experience in cross-cultural communication and teamwork within an international setting, as well as develop their creative and self-competence skills and social intelligence. 

The project engaged 10 schools across the CB area, with 16 teachers undergoing training to implement the module effectively. The study module was designed to support and enhance existing curriculums, with a particular focus on sustainability, circular economy, and entrepreneurship. The module was composed of high-quality eLearning resources that covered key topics such as innovation management, prototyping, market research, and pitching, providing students with a comprehensive skill set to drive their entrepreneurial endeavors. The aforementioned materials are conveniently accessible on an open access ePlatform, which can be utilized for educational purposes in the future. 


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